Every dog is a good dog. Each dog needs to be treated well and we all try to give them the treatment they deserve. “good boy capes” is trying to give a solution to to the ambitiousness of a dog’s predisposition towards having people near them and being pet by them.
You are trying with this bandanna to allow people the comfort in knowing that they are permitted to pet your dog to allow them the comfort in doing the action and of course the comfort of actually doing the act. Sense who doesn’t want to be able to pet all the cute dogs around them. Help others get to enjoy how cute your pet is. Take the guess work out of wanting to pet a dog.
You are trying with this bandanna to allow people the comfort in knowing that they are permitted to pet your dog to allow them the comfort in doing the action and of course the comfort of actually doing the act. Sense who doesn’t want to be able to pet all the cute dogs around them. Help others get to enjoy how cute your pet is. Take the guess work out of wanting to pet a dog.